Finding leaks, exposing secrets

So, right off the bat, - leaks are one of the most dangerous types of vulnerabilities for companies, one of the yummiest things for hackers, and one of the most well-paid targets for bug hunters.
This note is full of referrals on multiple great third-party researches, docs, articles, and whatnot, so sorry in advance.
Would be great to first of all pick up as many target values as possible. By target values I mean: domains, subdomains, keywords, key-values, etc. Everything here depends on your savvy and imagination. At least I would propose to get:
- The domains in scope (and, of course, out of scope, as we aren’t gonna break the things, just looking for some leaks that can possibly have an influence on the domains in scope) from HackerOne and/or BugCrowd (e.g.: Twitter);
- The data under the hood of iOS and Android apps (tbh, this is already a good place to start keeping an eye on the leaks: tokens, secrets, passwords, etc). I won’t go into details here, for more info you can simply jump on my previous notes about it (iOS, Android);
- The name of an organization on GitHub and the nicknames of its members for further analysis (e.g.: Twitter).
Baby steps
I won’t dwell on this point for long, but still, it shouldn’t be written off as it’s a really powerful tool. Here I’m talking about GitHub search. Using it in the right way can allow us to find a lot of interesting shtuff.
Btw, there is a lot of content across the web about GitHub dorks, but I’ll refer to the one specific pretty good research on this.
Scan the project
The most popular tool for this purpose is gitleaks. But I prefer to go with earlybird due to it’s a bit more functional and customizable. So here we go:
Install the tool:
git clone cd earlybird/ && ./ && ./
Scan each repo of the target project (keep in mind that there is a bunch of arguments that can fit your needs):
go-earlybird --git-project=twitter \ --display-severity=high \ --display-confidence=high \ --show-full-line \ --skip-comments
Scan any user’s repo (e.g.: any repo of the target organization members):
go-earlybird --git= \ --display-severity=low \ --display-confidence=low \ --show-full-line
Pay attention to any suspicious data in the output.
Going a little off-topic, you could also set up such tools for your own project for instance as CI checks on PRs, to make the world a bit more secure. It’s a good thing to think about.
Scan the whole hub
I would take a breath and develop something special by myself for this step, but I won’t ehh? There is a lovely tool for such things called git-hound. Let’s do something like this:
Install the tool:
git clone cd git-hound/ go build cp git-hound /usr/local/bin
Fill the target list with the domains, subdomains, and/or any other suspicious queries, for instance:
touch target.txt printf "" > target.txt
Search for leaks (keep in mind that there are plenty of arguments that can fit your needs):
git-hound --subdomain-file target.txt \ --dig-files \ --dig-commits \ --many-results \ --no-gists
Dive deep into the interesting links from the output.
Scan the feck everything
This is almost rocket science, but let’s give it a try. There is one tool I’d like to share with you that’s just blowing my mind. And its name is shhgit. Just open the live version of it and you’ll get me.
Here are some steps for those daredevils who’d like to deploy it on their own side:
Clone the repo:
git clone
Edit the config.yaml file (i.e. adding your GitHub tokens and removing the signatures you are not interested in):
cd shhgit && open config.yaml
Install and run the tool:
- if you require a web interface then you’ll have to go with Dockerfile:
docker-compose build docker-compose up open http://localhost:8080/
- elsif CLI is pretty enough for you then just execute:
go build cp shhgit /usr/local/bin shhgit
I hope it was a fun journey and there were at least some useful tips and tricks. If so, don’t stop on the git related leaks, try to think about CI logs and things like that. There is terrific research about it and I couldn’t write it up better.
Happy hacking and tremendous swag (: